Le normative di sicurezza sui DPI: cosa devi sapere

PPE safety regulations: what you need to know

Safety at work is an important issue for every company and worker. An essential part of workplace safety concerns the use of PPE, or Personal Protective Equipment. PPE is essential to protect workers from injury, illness and injury in the workplace. In this article, we'll explore PPE safety regulations and what you need to know to ensure proper workplace safety.

What is a PPE?

A Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is a device, equipment or means of protection worn by a worker to reduce risks to health and safety at work. PPE can include helmets, goggles, gloves, safety shoes, respirator masks and other similar devices. Using the proper PPE can reduce the risk of occupational injury or illness.

PPE safety regulations

PPE safety regulations are regulations that establish guidelines for the use and maintenance of PPE. These regulations are established to ensure that PPE is used safely and correctly to minimize occupational health and safety risks. Regulations are established nationally and internationally and are regulated by government agencies.

In Europe, PPE regulations are defined in Council Directive 89/686/EEC, which was replaced by Regulation (EU) 2016/425 from 21 April 2018. These regulations define the essential requirements for the design, manufacture and marking of PPE, as well as requirements for the use, maintenance and replacement of PPE.

Also, each country has its own specific PPE regulations. For example, in the United States, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) sets regulations for the use of PPE. Each US state may also have its own specific PPE regulations.

What you need to know about PPE safety regulations

Whether you are an employer or an employee, there are some important things you need to know about PPE safety regulations:

  1. Identify Risks: Before selecting PPE, you need to identify the specific workplace risks to choose the appropriate PPE.

  2. PPE selection: You must select the appropriate PPE based on the specific risks in the workplace. Inappropriate PPE can be ineffective or even dangerous.

  3. Training: Workers must be adequately trained in the use of PPE. Training should include proper use, maintenance and replacement of PPE.

  4. Replacement: PPE should be replaced when necessary, such as when the PPE is damaged or no longer effective.

  5. Maintenance: PPE must be properly maintained to ensure its effectiveness. Maintenance may include cleaning, component replacement, and regular verification of the integrity of the PPE.

  1. Marking: PPE must be marked with specific information such as the manufacturer's name, serial number and safety specifications.

  2. Compliance: All PPE must comply with relevant safety regulations to ensure its effectiveness.

  3. Audits: Regular audits of PPE should be carried out to ensure it is effective and in good condition.

  4. Usage: PPE must be used appropriately and according to the manufacturer's instructions.

  5. Monitoring: Employers should regularly monitor the use of PPE to ensure it is used safely and correctly.


PPE safety regulations are essential to ensure the safety of workers in the workplace. If you are an employer or worker, you must be aware of these regulations and take the necessary measures to ensure the appropriate use of PPE. This includes identifying specific workplace risks, selecting appropriate PPE, training workers, maintaining PPE and regularly testing PPE effectiveness. By doing this, you can help ensure a safe and secure work environment for you and your colleagues.