Terms and conditions


1. Scope and definitions

1.1. These Terms and Conditions apply to all Services made available to users on the Website www.mayermoover.com, regulating their access and use.

1.2. The terms used here have the following meanings:

Platform/Portal : dropshipping web platform owned by Mayermoover Srl;

Seller : Mayermoover Srl;

Consumer : the person who, pursuant to Legislative Decree 206/2005 (Consumer Code) is identified as a consumer as he purchases for needs unrelated to commercial, entrepreneurial, craft and/or professional activities;

Customer : the user of the Platform who purchases Products from the Platform not for resale;

Regular Customer: the user of the Platform who, while purchasing Products from the Platform not for resale, exceeds predetermined purchase volumes;

Reseller : the user of the Platform who purchases Products from the Platform to resell them to third parties;

Purchaser : the Reseller or the Customer who purchases the Products through the Platform;

Dropshipping : service through which the sale of products is promoted characterized by the management of the inventory and the preparation of the Products by the Supplier;

Supplier/Dropshipper : the person who agrees to collaborate with the Platform, allowing Mayermoover Srl to fulfill the orders received from the Buyers;

Products : the goods offered for sale through the Platform;

Price : the price of the Products indicated on the Platform at the time of purchase by the Buyer;

Conditions : these Terms and Conditions of Service;

Website : the www.mayermoover.com website, managed by the Seller, through which the purchase contract with the Buyer is concluded;

Contract : the sales contract concluded remotely between Mayermoover Srl and the Purchaser via the Site.

2. General Provisions

2.1. These Conditions are effective only in relation to the use of the Platform by users and with respect to the sales made through the Site by Meyermoover Srl, however they do not regulate relations with third parties other than the Seller, even if they can be reached directly from the Platform , or thanks to the information contained therein. Consequently, the Seller is not responsible for the supply of goods and services by such third parties.

2.2. The Products on the Site are offered for sale by Mayermoover Srl.

2.3. The Seller assumes no obligation to accept orders from Consumers, who will, in any case, be governed by Italian law.

2.4. Sales made through the Site are governed by the Conditions published online and, therefore, in force on the date of the purchase proposal.

3. Object of the Contract and its completion

3.1. The subject of the Contract is the sale of the Products on the Site, which the Purchaser intends to purchase through simple interaction with the Platform and, therefore, remotely.

3.2. The Products are described in the relative sheets, however, the information provided should be considered as an example and are published for information purposes only, so as to allow the correct identification of the article. Therefore, any representations and images of the Products could be partially different from the real thing. Any such discrepancies may depend, for example, on the monitor supplied, on its settings (contrast, sharpness, brightness, etc.), or on the internet browser used.

3.3. The Contract is finalized remotely by browsing the Site and sending a purchase order, using the methods provided, followed by the Seller's acceptance.
Therefore: (i) the purchase order has the value of a mere contractual proposal; (ii) except as provided for in article 5.1 below, the Contract is finalized only upon receipt, by the Purchaser, of the Seller's acceptance e-mail, in which the Purchaser's identification data will be identified, the address of delivery, the order reference and its price, as well as the shipping and accessories costs. The confirmation e-mail will also contain the link through which you can view the Conditions in force at the time the Contract is finalized.

3.4. The Purchaser will take care to verify the accuracy of the personal data summarized in the confirmation e-mail, communicating to the Seller, within the following 24 hours, any errors.

4. Pre-contractual information

4.1. The pre-contractual information is provided to the Purchaser before the execution of the Contract. Therefore, prior information will be given on: (i) the Seller's identification data; (ii) the net price of the goods, taxes and duties due, details of shipping costs and any additional costs; (iii) payment methods; (iv) delivery times; (v) terms, conditions and procedures for exercising the right of withdrawal; (vi) legal guarantee provided; (vii) after-sales assistance and commercial guarantees provided.

4.2. Occasionally, there may be typographical errors, inaccuracies, and omissions regarding product descriptions, pricing, promotions, offers, shipping costs, delivery times, or product availability. Therefore, no update date specified in relation to the information published should be interpreted as a guarantee of its correctness.

5. Availability of Products

5.1. The availability of the Products indicated on the Site is to be considered indicative and changeable, also bearing in mind the possible simultaneous use of the Site by several Buyers. Therefore, no responsibility can be charged to the Seller in the event of unavailability of the Products requested by the Purchaser through the purchase order, even in the event of receipt of the relative communication of acceptance. In any case, the Seller will inform the Purchaser of this problem within the following 72 hours, providing for the simultaneous reimbursement of the costs incurred for finalizing the purchase order.

6. Prices and payment methods

6.1. The prices of the Products and the related taxes and duties applicable to the Buyers are identified on the Site in Euros.

6.2. Shipping costs are identified separately, as they are counted only at the conclusion of the Buyer's order process, in any case prior to the actual payment of the price.

6.3. The amounts due must be paid in full by means of payment accepted or possibly made available by the Seller.

6.4. The charge of the price occurs when the purchase order is sent, in the manner specified in these Conditions.

6.5. The payment methods are managed and processed by third parties and, therefore, will be governed not only by these Conditions, but also by those of said third parties, which can be consulted on their respective websites.

6.6. The Seller is not responsible for any exchange rates, commissions and any other charges imposed on the Buyer by the suppliers of the payment methods used.

6.7. The Purchaser is aware that the communication of the data and information necessary to process the payment is secret and must be carried out exclusively through secure connections identified by the Seller and/or by the providers of the payment services used.

6.8. The commercial document/purchase invoice relating to the Order will be delivered electronically directly to the Buyer's tax drawer within 72 hours of purchase.

6.9. The Platform reserves the right to change the Price of the Products at any time and without notice. Any price changes will not affect, in any case, the Contracts already completed.

7. Purchaser's faculty of withdrawal and penalty

7.1. The Purchaser has the right to withdraw from the contract within and no later than 3 working days from the date of acceptance of the order. The right of withdrawal is strictly connected to the processes characterizing the logistics of Mayermoover Srl, therefore, late requests for withdrawal will not be taken into consideration.

7.2. The withdrawal request must be sent in writing to the Seller by registered mail or email to mayermoover@pec.it, attaching a copy of the purchase document.

7.3. In any case, the withdrawal is subject to the payment of a penalty equal to 10% of the purchase price, which will be deducted from the amounts to be reimbursed to the Purchaser. The Purchaser is therefore fully aware that, in response to his request for withdrawal, the relative refund will see the application of the penalty call.

7.4. The refund will take place within 15 working days from the date of withdrawal, net of the penalty identified in 10% of the price of the Product and will take place through the use of the same payment method chosen by the Purchaser for the purchase, unless otherwise agreed between the parties .

7.5. The right of withdrawal is expressly excluded in the following cases: (i) customized products; (ii) Custom made products; (iii) Products which, regardless of their characteristics, provide for the exclusion of the Purchaser's right of withdrawal in the relative Product Sheet.

7.6. In the case of a Consumer Purchaser, as provided for by articles 52 et seq. of the Consumer Code, the same will have the right to withdraw from the purchase, without having to specify the reasons and without any penalty, communicating it to the Seller within 14 days of receipt of the purchased Products. For all the rest, the above conditions apply, to the extent compatible with current legislation.

8. Guarantee of conformity

8.1 The Seller guarantees that the products offered for sale on the Platform are free from defects.

8.2. This guarantee starts from the date of delivery of the product and lasts 12 months. Should the product require technical assistance during the warranty period, the Seller reserves the right to carry out repairs or replacements of the defective product.

8.3. The warranty applies only if the product has been used correctly and in accordance with the relevant instructions, if provided to the Purchaser. Furthermore, the warranty does not cover damage resulting from accidents, improper use, tampering or alteration by the Purchaser or by third parties other than the Supplier and the Seller.

8.4. If the product presents a defect which makes it completely unsuitable for the use for which it is intended or appreciably diminishes its value, notwithstanding the provisions of art. 1492 of the Civil Code, the Seller may decide to remedy by repairing or replacing the defective product. Alternatively, the Seller may propose the refund of part of the price or the termination of the contract, if the defect is not minor. The chosen remedy will be implemented within 30 days of the communication duly made by the Purchaser to report and document the presence of defects.

8.5. The Buyer must notify the Seller of any defects or non-conformities within 8 days of receiving the relative products, providing documentation and a detailed description of the problem detected. The communication must be made in writing and must contain an explicit reference to the order and the products subject to dispute. In any case, the Seller will have the right to carry out checks on the Product to verify the effective existence of the defects and/or non-conformities reported.

8.6. In the event that the defects or non-conformities are hidden, the relative dispute must take place within 8 days of their discovery.

8.7. The shipping costs necessary for the return of products recognized as defective will be borne by the Seller.

8.8. The Seller will not be liable for damages resulting from improper use of the Product or failure to comply with the relative instructions. Furthermore, the Seller shall not be liable for indirect and/or consequential damages arising from the use or non-use of the Product, nor for damages caused by normal wear and tear of the Product during its use, or for loss of profit or business interruption. commercial. The seller's liability remains unaffected in the event of willful misconduct or gross negligence.

8.9. Unless otherwise provided by law or indicated during the purchase of the Product, any other form of guarantee, explicit or implicit, is expressly excluded, such as, by way of example, the implied guarantees of merchantability, of fitness for a specific purpose and of non-infringement of rights of third parties.

8.10. The Seller reserves the right to modify or supplement this guarantee clause at any time and without notice. The changes will be effective from the moment they are published on the Platform, only for subsequently completed sales.

9. Shipping

9.1 . The Seller will ship to the Buyer: (i) the Products purchased; (ii) any gifts; (iii) any informative and promotional material; (iv) the transport document; (v) any additional accompanying documentation required in the country of shipment.

9.2 In order to give the Purchaser the right of withdrawal referred to in the previous article 7, the effective shipment date of the Products will be identified as a date after the expiry of the 3-day term set forth in paragraph 1.

9.3. The Products will be delivered by the courier identified by the Seller, by the date indicated in the order confirmation e-mail and, in any case, according to methods possibly detailed in the conditions adopted by the courier himself. In any case, the Products will be delivered within 30 days following acceptance of the purchase order.

9.4. Delivery times and methods may vary; in this case, the Buyer will still be informed, at the latest, within 72 hours following acceptance of the order.

9.5. The Products are delivered to the address indicated at the time of the order by the Purchaser, unless otherwise agreed between the Parties. The Seller will not be responsible for any delays or delivery problems caused by an inaccuracy or incompleteness of the information provided by the Buyer.

9.6. The Seller will not be responsible for any delivery delays resulting from force majeure or unforeseeable causes.

9.7. In the event of irreparable damage or loss of the Product during shipment, the Purchaser will have the right to request reimbursement of the costs incurred, which will be made within the following 30 working days.

9.8. If the Products are returned due to an error in the delivery address provided by the Buyer or as a result of its absence at the time of delivery, the Buyer will be responsible for any additional costs for re-shipping the Products.

9.9. Shipping costs will be indicated at the time of purchase and, unless otherwise agreed between the Parties, will be charged to the Purchaser.

10. Intellectual Property

10.1. Mayermoover Srl is the exclusive owner of the contents on the Site, such as, by way of example and not limited to, images, videos, documents, drawings, figures, logos and any other material, in any format, published online, including menus and web pages, graphics, colors, schemes, tools, fonts and design of the Site, as well as diagrams, layouts, methods, processes, know-how, functions and software, including updates and the relative source codes part of the Site, which must therefore be considered protected by copyright and any other intellectual property right in favor of the owner and/or third parties.

10.2. The reproduction, in whole or in part, in any form, of the Site and its contents is prohibited, without the express written consent of the owner.

10.3. The Seller is the exclusive owner of the "Mayermoover" brand and its logo, as well as the domain name Mayermoover.com, of which no use is permitted without prior written authorisation. It is understood that any unauthorized conduct or, in any case, contrary to the law, may be challenged and sanctioned in the most appropriate forums.

  1. Comments, Feedback and other content submitted by the User

11.1. The online submission, by e-mail, by ordinary mail or through other methods, of comments, feedback and other materials, hereinafter referred to, in general, as "content", whether provided upon invitation by the Platform or voluntarily, implies express acceptance , by the User, of the right of the Platform to modify, copy, publish, distribute, translate or use in any other way and by any means the contents transmitted, freely and at any time.

11.2. Mayermoover Srl will have no obligation to: (i) keep the contents confidential; (ii) pay fees for content; (iii) use the content; (iv) verify the adequacy and lawfulness of the contents. However, they may be monitored, edited and removed if they are found to be unlawful, offensive, threatening, libelous, defamatory, pornographic, obscene or otherwise objectionable, or in the case of content that violates any party's intellectual property or these Terms and Conditions .

11.3. The user undertakes not to send content that infringes the rights of third parties, including copyright, trademarks, privacy rights, personality rights and other real or personal rights, or that contains defamatory or otherwise illegal, offensive or obscene material , or computer viruses or other malware that may affect the operation of the Service or any related website.

11.4. In any case, the User remains solely responsible for the contents sent and their adequacy.

12. Use of the Services and Registration on the Site

12.1. The registered User, in declaring that he has the full ability to act in order to stipulate valid contracts, guarantees that he is the sole owner of his own account, undertaking to keep the relative access credentials confidential, not to transfer them to third parties and to promptly notify the Seller in the event of their theft, unauthorized knowledge or loss.

12.2 The User assumes, exclusively, all responsibility for the conduct, even omission, related to the use of the services through his own account, undertaking to hold Mayermoover Srl and third parties harmless from any prejudice deriving from failure to comply with these Terms and Conditions .

12.3. The User undertakes to provide accurate and complete information during registration, as in every moment of use of the Platform, assuming all responsibility for their correctness and truthfulness, also undertaking to keep the communicated data updated and complete, promptly rectifying them in case of their variation .

12.4. The User undertakes to provide a non-temporary personal e-mail address, which he guarantees to have legitimately and exclusively and to which he declares to access regularly.

12.5. The User knowingly accepts that the service can only be used by browsing the pages of the relative Site and, in any case, in compliance with the regulatory and legislative provisions in force. The User may not, by way of example: (i) incorporate the applications and contents of the Portal into other web platforms, or show them or make them available, by any means, to third parties; (ii) duplicate, copy, distribute, display, communicate or transfer to third parties, decode, modify, adapt, market, translate, sell, lend, rent the contents, regardless of the technical methods; (iii) use robots, crawlers and similar applications to collect and analyze the contents of the Portal or the data collected by it; (iv) violate the security of the Site, circumvent or manipulate its functioning, search for vulnerabilities, attempt to activate features that are otherwise disabled or, in any case, inaccessible; (v) compromise or interfere with the functionality of the Portal, as well as send automatically generated requests; (vi) assume and/or use the identity of other people, even if fictitious and, in any case, make false statements in relation to one's identity; (vii) engage in, in general, conduct abstractly constituting civil, administrative or criminal offences.

12.6. In the event of non-compliance with these Conditions, the user's Account may be limited, suspended or cancelled, subject to compensation for any damage, pecuniary or otherwise, possibly caused by the conduct in violation.

12.7. The navigation of some sections of the Site can also be done by non-registered Users. However, for the full and complete use of the Services offered by the Site, it may be necessary to register on the Platform and create a password-protected account.

12.8. The User of the Site, through the relative guided procedure, can register as a Purchaser.

On the other hand, the activation of a Supplier account will require the start of a different procedure, partially external to the Platform.

12.9. The User may cancel his account at any time by accessing his Personal Profile and clicking on the "Delete account" button. Following the request for cancellation by the User, all personal data of the same will be eliminated and cancelled, without prejudice to any further processing imposed by law, motivated by contractual obligations, or connected to a legitimate interest.

  1. Particular provisions – users and suppliers

13.1. The Platform reserves the right to accept or refuse, at its discretion, the registration requests of Supplier Users.

13.2. Once accepted as Suppliers, Users will have to provide the Platform with documentation and certifications suitable for guaranteeing the quality and safety of the Products to be published on the Platform, as well as complete and accurate information relating to the Products themselves.

13.3. Mayermoover Srl, at its discretion, reserves the right to ask Suppliers for any additional documents or certifications.

13.4. The Seller will not be responsible for any damage caused by the use of the Products published on the Platform by the Suppliers, who will remain solely responsible for the quality, safety and conformity of the Products sold on the Site, with an express commitment to provide accurate and complete information in relation to the Products themselves.

13.5. The Seller reserves the right to suspend or cancel the sale of Products by a Supplier in the event of a violation of the policies or procedures of the Platform or in the event of quality or safety problems of the Products published by the same. In any case, in the event of problems with the quality or safety of the Products, the Suppliers undertake to collaborate with the Seller to resolve the problem and to guarantee any refunds or compensations due to the Buyers.

  1. Special provisions – retail users and regular customers

14.1. The Platform undertakes to provide Reseller Users and Regular Customers with a dedicated shopping experience and to guarantee maximum transparency, clarity and completeness in the information relating to the Products offered for sale on the Site.

14.2. Reseller Users and Regular Customers will be able to benefit from special purchase conditions, depending on the quantities purchased, which will be separately agreed between the Platform and the Purchaser.

  1. Necessary equipment and interruption of the Services

15.1. The Site has been designed to be compatible with the most commonly used browsers (for example: Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox), in their updated versions.

15.2. Correct viewing of the contents will require that the device used is connected to the Internet with a minimum connection speed of 2 Mps. Any cost relating to this connection is the sole responsibility of the User.

15.3. The User knowingly accepts any limitation that could result from failure to meet the technical requirements identified above, undertaking to verify that they are equipped with hardware, software and anything else necessary to use the services, as well as periodically verifying their operating requirements and regularly update its technical equipment, assuming all related responsibility.

15.4. The right to modify the compatibility with certain hardware and software remains unaffected by notifying registered Users.

15.5. Since the usability of the Portal also depends on factors beyond the sphere of control of Mayermoover Srl, such as, by way of example, hardware, software and communication networks, often managed by third parties, any malfunctions not attributable to the Seller's conduct cannot be charged to him.

15.6. In order to be able to provide a service adequate to the User's expectations and to carry out maintenance and/or management of the devices aimed at obtaining a better functioning of the Platform, its functions could be temporarily suspended or limited, without this no liability may arise towards the User.

16. Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability

16.1. The Seller will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential or special damages arising from the use or inability to use the Portal, including, but not limited to, loss of profits, business interruption or loss of data. Furthermore, the Seller will not be liable for any damage caused by the improper use of the Portal by the User or for any errors or omissions on the Portal.

16.2. The Site may contain third-party links through which to access external websites, in no way affiliated with the Platform, which will not be responsible for examining or evaluating the contents or accuracy of such websites, expressly excluding any liability in relation to them.

16.3. Mayermoover Srl will not be liable for any damages connected to the purchase or use of goods, services, resources, contents or any other relationship occurring through the use of third-party websites, whose policies and procedures must have been analyzed in detail. care of the User, before carrying out any activity. Complaints, requests, doubts and questions about the services offered by third parties must be addressed directly to the interested third parties.

17. Changes

17.1. The Seller reserves the right to modify, at its discretion and without notice, these Conditions, as well as the prices and characteristics of the Products on sale.

17.2. The changes are effective from the date of publication of the same on the Site and only for orders submitted after that date.

17.3. In any case, it is possible to check any previous versions of the Conditions in the appropriate section of the Site.

18. Partial invalidity

18.1. The possible presence of invalid or, in any case, ineffective clauses will not cause the nullity of these Conditions, involving, where possible, the replacement of the invalid and/or ineffective clause with mandatory rules, with another clause agreed between the parties, or the ineffectiveness of the sole clause deemed void.

19. Applicable law and jurisdiction

19.1. Any dispute relating to the application, execution, interpretation and violation of contracts stipulated through the Site, without prejudice to any prevailing mandatory rule of the country of habitual residence of the Customer who qualifies as a Consumer, is interpreted according to Italian law and subject to the same.

19.2. Any dispute that does not find an amicable solution will be the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Treviso.

20. Online Platform for Alternative Dispute Resolution (ODR)

20.1. The Consumer Customer is informed that, pursuant to article 14 of EU Regulation no. 524/2013, the European Commission has set up an online platform for the resolution of ODR disputes ( Online dispute resolution ) arising from the purchase of goods online. In this platform, made accessible at the address https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main , the Consumer Customer will be able to find a list of alternative dispute resolution bodies, accompanied by the respective links, and start the relative procedure online dispute resolution.

  1. Processing of personal data

21.1. The Platform collects and processes Users' personal data in accordance with the privacy rules and related Policy, available on the Platform at the following link .

21.2 . The User accepts that the Platform uses his personal data to supply the Products and for other purposes described in the Privacy Policy.