Come scegliere il sistema di scaffalature industriali adatto alle esigenze di stoccaggio

How to choose the right industrial shelving system for your storage needs

Industrial shelving is one of the key elements of any warehouse or industrial storage area. There are a variety of shelving units available in the market, designed to meet different storage needs. However, choosing the right shelving for your warehouse or storage area can be a challenge.

Here are some factors to consider when choosing the right industrial shelving for your needs:

  1. Size of the warehouse or storage area: The size of the warehouse or storage area will determine the type of industrial shelving to choose. For example, if space is limited, you will need to choose vertical, wall-mounted, or bridge shelving.

  2. Maximum load: it is important to consider the maximum weight that the shelves will have to support. This will depend on the materials you intend to store and the material handling activities that will be performed. Generally, industrial shelving has a maximum load capacity ranging from 500 kg to 5000 kg.

  3. Type of material to be stored: Materials can vary in size and shape, and it is important to consider this when choosing the right industrial shelving. For example, if you have large or oddly shaped materials, you will need to choose shelving that can support these types of materials.

  4. Accessing Materials: It is important to consider how stored materials will be accessed. For example, if you need to access materials frequently, you will need to choose shelving that allows for easy access, such as rail shelving or single-depth shelving.

  5. Budget: the cost of industrial shelving can vary considerably depending on specific needs. It's important to consider your budget when choosing the right industrial shelving.

In general, there are four types of industrial shelving: rail, single-deep, double-deep and bridge.

Rail shelving is designed to store large and oddly shaped materials, such as pipes or rods. They are also ideal for storing heavy materials, such as steel plates.

Single-deep shelving is the most common and is used to store materials on one level. They are available in various sizes and load capacities.

Double-deep shelving is designed to store materials on two levels. In this way, the available space can be optimized, but accessing the materials can be more complicated than with single-depth shelving.

Bridge shelving is designed to store large and oddly shaped materials, such as machinery or vehicles. They are made up of beams, pillars and bridges, and are capable of supporting large amounts of weight.

In conclusion, choosing the right industrial shelving system for your storage needs is an important process that requires careful consideration of your requirements. Factors to consider include warehouse size, weight of materials, type of material to be stored, access to materials, and available budget. With the right industrial shelving, you can optimize your storage space and improve the efficiency of your warehouse operations.