Le normative di stoccaggio di fusti e cisternette IBC

The storage regulations for IBC drums and cisterns

Regulations for the storage of drums and tanks are important to ensure the safety of workers and the environment, and to avoid potential damage to equipment and goods. Here are some of the main regulations to consider for the storage of drums and cisterns:

  1. Identification of containers: drums and tanks must be clearly labeled and identified, with indications on the nature of the contents, the expiry date and safety requirements.

  2. Positioning: containers must be positioned in such a way as to avoid obstructing access and exit routes, and to minimize the risk of collision with other vehicles or equipment.

  3. Storage: drums and small tanks must be stored in a stable manner, using special supports and protections to prevent falls and breakages.

  4. Handling: handling of drums and tanks must be carried out with care, using suitable lifting and transport means.

  5. Ventilation: Storage areas must be adequately ventilated to prevent the risk of accumulation of flammable gases and vapours.

  6. Separation: drums and tanks containing different substances must be separated from each other, in order to avoid possible unwanted chemical reactions.

  7. Containment: suitable containment systems must be provided in case of spills or losses of the contents.

  8. Anti-pollution regulations: specific regulations are envisaged for the control of the emission of polluting and harmful substances into the environment, to be respected during the storage and handling of the containers.

  9. Personnel training: the personnel involved in the handling and storage of drums and tanks must be trained and informed on the safety regulations and on the risks associated with the activity.

  10. Inspection and maintenance: containers must be regularly inspected and maintained, to verify the integrity of the materials and compliance with safety regulations.